Questions & Answers

Unable to load Spitfire Audio CDT into Studio One Pro 4.6.2

0 votes
asked Feb 15, 2021 in Studio One 4 by davidanson (140 points)

Greetings S1 community ~
Thought I'd throw this question out there before filing a support ticket. . .
I cannot be the only user having an issue with scanning SA's Contemporary Drama Toolkit into my available instruments. I've viewed several YouTube videos about Options/Location/Add & View/Plugin Manager, and I am able to get the Spitfire Audio Contemporary Drama Toolkit folder into the list, but it simply will not scan in (yes, it is listed as a library in Kontakt Player).
As of this writing (Monday 15 Feb.) I have been exchanging messages with SA's crack staff for over a week. Therefore, if someone has successfully installed CDT into S1, I will be grateful for a step-by-step.
(p.s. I purchased Spitfire Audio Originals Epic Strings at the same time, and it automatically appeared in Instruments without any issue whatsoever)
