Questions & Answers

Can I Record with Three Microphones in Studio One v5?

0 votes
asked Feb 23, 2021 in Studio One 5 by abrahamwilson (160 points)
edited Feb 23, 2021 by abrahamwilson
in the past I've had no problem recording with multiple mics, but recently it has stopped working for me. I have all my mics all plugged in on the AudioBox and have verified they work, but when I try to record in Studio One, I cannot get Studio One to recognize the third mic (e.g. if I have the Mono mic located in line 1 and my stereo pair in 3 & 4, then Studio One will recognize lines 1 & 3, but if I have the stereo pair in line 1 & 2 and the mono in line 3, Studio One will only recognize lines 1 & 2). How do I set up Studio One 5 / my AudioBox to record with 3 mic lines?


I use the audiobox 1818 VSL

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 23, 2021 by tothrec (32,310 points)
selected Feb 23, 2021 by abrahamwilson
Best answer
My AudioBox only has two channels.  Which model do you have?  Do you have a link to the specs where they indicate that it supports more than two input channels?
0 votes
answered Feb 24, 2021 by colinotoole (16,890 points)
Of course you can. With an 1818VSL, you can record up to 8 microphones simultaneously. Is your 'audio i/o set up' correct ('Studio One' menu tab > 'Options')? The most straightforward way would be for each input on the 1818VSL (vsl 1, vsl 2, vsl 3, etc.) to be assigned to separate corresponding inputs in Studio One (mic/inst 1, mic/inst 2, mic/inst 3, etc). Then, in your song, make three tracks and set the inputs with the drop down menu to, say, vsl 1, vsl 2 and vsl 3 respectively (or whatever inputs you have your microphones connected to). Pan two of the tracks for the stereo microphone.