Questions & Answers

Superior Drummer 2.0 not showing up in Studio One Prime 5. ...

0 votes
asked Feb 23, 2021 in Studio One 5 by lindsaynoble (160 points)
I have installed Superior Drummer and cannot see the TuneTrack in the insturment list.

I have read almost everything and added the path to the VST Insturment Library in  in the options section but cannot find the VST path location or any other set-up issue.

Can anyone help me

1 Answer

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answered Mar 18, 2021 by lindsaynoble (160 points)
It seams the Prime does not support VST (looking at the feature matrix in the product description of each of the versions of Studio5)

Not sure that the Artist version will utilize Superior drummer 2.0 or TuneTrack ver. 2.0 these are a little old.

Does anyone know?