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Studio one 2+Superior drummer. Transform to audio + Sample pool.

0 votes
asked Dec 16, 2016 in Studio One 2 by joelpizarro (160 points)

First at all I'm not having any issues at this moment. S1 can't remember if gave me any issues at all . Wonderful DAW.    Now my question is simple. I`ve been playing around with the bounce feature inside of superior drummer within studio one 2.6.5. everything working great but I'm curious about how this transformation to audio really works with iVST since the Studio one manual doesn't give you in depth explanation.   I was reading on the Superior D. manual and it says something about how the bounce feature gives you access to all the complete pool of samples from SD when doing the bounce option.  My question is ...does the transform to audio in Studio one gives you the same benefit or is mostly you get what you hear?

I know when you separate everything in S1 console you have basically access to remix the plugin but since Superior D  was meant to be use with bounce feature to get the full drum samples I was wondering if doing the transform to audio option limit the user to use the full sample pool from SD.   Thank you guys!

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 27, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Yes, Transform and bounce (with FX) in Studio One renders what you hear.
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answered Mar 25, 2018 by DrummaMan (3,400 points)
From my personal experience with SD2, you are FAR better off bouncing out the tracks from within Superior Drummer!
It results in very high-quality WAV files that you import back into the project.

The sound after the files are imported back into the project is stunning!

Just "Transforming" the MIDI files in your SOP is not the same.
You do "get what you hear", but you are far, FAR better off taking the long route. You WILL hear a difference.

What's nice is you can pick and choose after the bounce too, so if you do not want the individual bleeds after the bounce, then simply don't bother importing them. (Your track count will thank you!)

I have not done this in SD3 (3.1) but I imagine it's gotten better.
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answered Mar 26, 2018 by joelpizarro (160 points)
edited Mar 26, 2018 by joelpizarro
I know what you mean with using SD2 bouncing feature. But what I found is that using SD2 bouncing option the only difference is that it gives you the files with the bleeding already included in every track in the other hand S1 transform to audio it eliminates the bleeding but that is  bcuz inside SD2 the bleeding level in each track is muted basically. It only gets activated when you bounce thru SD2 and decide to include the bleeding.  Now the same result would be going into SD2 and turn on the bleeding levels in each track inside SD2 so that way you technically load the full pool of samples inside SD2 all the tiny orange lights turn on at max. Notice when you do that the samples% inside SD2 goes up like crazy, cuz now you basically activated the bleeding samples that makes the drums sounds more real. Then hit transform to audio. Is the same result. The reason why SD2 when loading the default have them deactivated is only to avoid using to much CPU.Now the good thing about using  SD2 bounce is the tracks have already names assigned but the panning levels are off so you have to rebalance the panning and volume levels.  The bad thing is that now you have to deal with the bleeding from the mics and thats more processing you have to do depending what you have planned. Another bad thing is you have to reorganize the tracks in the arranger window. Something that takes away inspiration (my opinion) when you trying to laydown the basic tracks. Now the good thing  of using studio one transform option basically transform and done. Another plus from that , I just save it as a music loop and if my client dont like the snare sound later on or want to make a change in the mid of the song I can just drop the music loop file which includes the iVST and the midi data head aches. Me personally haven't noticed any difference in sound quality from using both methods. The sample rate is the  same (tested) , format same, quality in general is good.My question was more related to the use of the samples from SD2 and At this point I realized that not all the time I need the bleeding from the mics or the rooms that comes with the software. So I figure out bouncing inside SD2 was not doing anything better for me. Everything has been good , my clients love my drum sounds ...they dont care about kHz or sample rates  so im happy with it. But thanks for your answer.