Questions & Answers

Midi instruments blending together

0 votes
asked Mar 11, 2021 in Studio One 5 by alamiaziz (220 points)

When i play a midi instrument and i switch to an other instrument, they blend together and play both at the same time even if i unarm the track.

The instrument in question is Mojito.

The only solution i found is the turn the instrument off so i can't hear it when i play an other instrument.

But that's strange cause normaly if you click an other track it unarms automaticaly the other one.

Anyone understands my problem?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 11, 2021 by stanthompson2 (5,910 points)
You might have direct inputs on the mojito plugin or the other vst instrument plugin set to something other than "none".

 Open the plugins. To the right of the presets list is the direct inputs list. Set it to "none"