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Notion rules integradet into Studio One (and rules blending with midi data)

0 votes
asked Jul 15, 2024 in Sound Variations by Obloha (460 points)

Firstly I hope the subcategory is selected right, I was deciding between Score Editor, but it is close to the SoundVariations I think. If Score Editor is right category, please move this topice here.

I think Notion is lost in time and it is time to put everything into Studio One and make it better. I like SoundVariations but compared to rules from Notion, it is only for keyswitches and cc changes. Not for full notation playback. I think rules from Notion will be super for Studio One.

It would be good to have notation playback with posibility to "bake" it into midi and vice versa. That means if i create midi notes in midi editor on score editor it look like exactly, but when I put in score staccato or spicato, playback of that notes will be shorter as written in midi editor. Note playback duration will be displayed in note editor too, with posibility to hide it. When I hit "bake" playback into midi, the note duration in midi editor will be exactly as playback. But in this "bake" stage, playback will be turned off. Also that will be aplied to everything (midi velocity, midi cc etc..)

Posibility to use of many rules for one instruemnt as Notion (SoundVariations can by only one for one instrument).

Blending midi data with playback:
That means I create midi automation for instrument but I want just slight modify its midi automation with rules from notation playback. Or otherwise I have notation and add rule for instrument, but I want have some slight corrections with midi that not destroy notation rules but slightly modify or replace them. That means I can create something like container (something like clip with midi data) in midi editor or score editor and adjust for whole container constant blend or add points (similar to automation) where down is 0 % (midi playback) and up us 100 % (notation playback) and everything between is blend. Also I can choose what data will be blended (velocity or midi cc (or both) with dynamics, note duration between midi and notation rule playback).

Maybe later I provide some pictures how I imagine it.
