Questions & Answers

Trigger Hi-Hat Foot Controller in Impact XT

+1 vote
asked Mar 14, 2021 in Studio One 4 by Perry Moyses (270 points)
I have a Roland TD17 successfully connected and recording into Studio One - including midi notes and the hi-hat foot controller.

I have drum, cymbal and hi-hat samples loaded in to an Impact XT instrument.

How do I use the foot controller recording to accurately apply the variable transitions between hi-hat open and hi-hat closed samples from within Impact.  This works well when run back through the TD17, but I'd like to keep it all within the Studio One session with Impact XT.

Any thoughts appreciated.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 31, 2023 by joshcurry (250 points)
This is a problem for me as well. I just got a new Alesis Strike Pro e-drum kit and it doesn't send a different note for the open/closed hi-hat. The program is supposed to use the value of CC#4 to determine if the hi-hat is closed or open and trigger the correct note based on that. This is an industry standard and it's hard to believe that StudioOne doesn't have an option to support this.