Questions & Answers

Right-Click Parameter Shows Options for Remote Assignment and Edit Automation

+1 vote
asked Mar 15, 2021 in Editing by andrewdoig (240 points)
Hello, may I please request an addition of 'Edit Automation' upon Right-Clicking a parameter in a VST that immedaitely creates a new automation track and brings the automation lane in view? Can the same be done for remote mapping but instead of having to wiggle the knob/fader and then right-clicking the param that I want it assigned to, can there be an option to right click param, edit remote assignment, and then you get prompted which parameter?

It would also be cool if there is also like a remote assign mode function - once engaged, you are able to simply click a parameter move the konb on midi controller without any right clicks/promts, until the function is disabled. Stuff like this would be really handy for people like me who spend a lot of time assignining various parammeters to record a lot of automation and it would enhance creative workflow.

Best regards,
