Questions & Answers

A shortcut to add automation set points to events

+3 votes
asked Aug 30, 2023 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by dotcom12161984 (4,490 points)
If i click on an event i want a shortcut to quickly add automation points at the beginning and end of the event for each automation parameter connected to the event.  Instead of having to use the mouse to insert a point at the beginning and end of the event.  I would also like to save curves, maybe have a custom automation curve window (similar to macro menu or even quantization menu)....I would like to have a shortcut to add these as well and then select the variation i want......similar to how i can make a macro that adds  EVENT FX and a specified preset of that effect.  Example i have an automation to curve to unmute a delay, i can just click on the event i want to delay and press one button and it adds the unmute automation curve to the selected automation lane on the event.