Questions & Answers

Trying to make Midi follow the tempo of audio

0 votes
asked Mar 24, 2021 in Studio One 5 by michaelotto3 (120 points)
I am trying to get a midi file/Studio One 5 tempo to conform to the timing/transients of an audio file. Specifically, I've got a recorded drum track that I am going to replace with a midi drum sampler. The audio track's feel is what I want (and all the guitar tracks have been recorded alongside it), but ultimately, my drum sampler sounds way better.

Rather than risk adding potential digital artifacts by time stretching the recorded track to follow the project tempo/midi drum track, I prefer the opposite-- make the MIDI drums lock to the audio, since MIDI is infinitely and non-destructively editable and stretchable. I have found no tutorials on how to do this so far, but I know the feature exists. Matter of fact, the mobile version of Garageband has a feature where ANY audio track's tempo can be adaptively followed by another, whether it be audio or midi. For instance, you record a guitar part and the feel is great, you can very easily select Garageband's "Drummer" to conform to YOUR timing instead of locking to the tempo grid. Super important when making tracks that have groove.

I am using Studio One 5.1.2 currently with a Focusrite Scarlett Solo

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 25, 2021 by risotto (2,250 points)
Hey, that's just 2-3 minutes of work to get it done for a whole song :) I can't explain it better than in this video.
