Questions & Answers

Can I connect a SW5E switch to a Motu AVB switch?

0 votes
asked Mar 26, 2021 in SW5E - AVB Switch by felipesuarez1 (250 points)
I have computers and Motu Ultralites in each side of the Cat6 cable. If I put only one switch in one of the sides (switch to connect the AVB interface + a computer), and connect the interface without switch in the other side, it works well. So Cables and switches are ok.
But having a switch in each side connected by the same cable (and a computer and an audio interface in each switch) doesn't work. The led doesn't even flash.

1 Answer

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answered Mar 31, 2023 by ahellquist (600 points)
It is a  bit hard to get the picture but as far as I know you should be able to connect two switches with a cable and connect both computers and AVB devices on both ends. You might have to make sure your devices have correct IP-addresses too so if there is no DHCP, you need to set them manually.

If you do not get link, you might have a faulty cable or something other going on.