Questions & Answers

i can exchanging my Cubase LE license for a Studio One 5 Artist license?

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asked Mar 29, 2021 in Studio One 5 by vladimirfrolov (120 points)

Good afternoon, I have three questionssmiley.
1) I have a Cubase LE license. I know that Presonus is running promotions to attract new users and is changing the licenses of other DAWs to similar Studio One licenses. I am considering exchanging my Cubase LE license for a Studio One 5 Artist license. Could you please clarify I can do this? Can you help me organize such a license exchange? How does this exchange take place?
2) My Cubase LE license gives me € 110 discount on Cubase Pro 11. Cubase Pro 11 costs € 581.99 Upgrade from Cubase LE to Cubase Pro 11 costs € 471.99. See screenshot 1 and screenshot 2 in the attachments for confirmation of my words.

Actually, I need a Studio One 5 Professional license. If I have a Studio One 5 Artist license. When you have more discount / promotions upgrade on Studio One 5 Professional? November 27 for Black Friday or November 30 for Cyber ​​Monday? Or maybe some other day you have good discounts on upgrades?

3) Do you have a detailed, description of the VST and VSTi plugins built into Studio ONE 5.2 in PDF format? Please send me a link to this, I want to compare plugins in Studio ONE 5.2 and the quality of their descriptions with Cubase Pro 11 Plug in Reference.pdf

Thanks you.
