Questions & Answers

Please confirm that a 32 bit studio one artist download will recognize toon ez drummer 64 bit?

0 votes
asked Mar 16, 2016 in Studio One 3 by rolandlemus1 (250 points)
I am about to add toon track ez drummer as well, and I loaded the 32 bit studio one artist as well. I read this and other posts

where 64 didn't work with the 32 bit studio one? Please confirm, that Studio one artist 32 byte download will work? I loaded Studio one artist on 64 byte and it didn't work on my PC, and curious as to how a 64 byte will work with a 32 byte Studio One artist? Please help, thanks!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 16, 2016 by Michael Martin (89,010 points)
You must install the correct version of your VSTs for your copy of Studio One.

If you run 32-Bit Studio One, install 32-Bit VSTs.  If you have 64-Bit Studio One, install 64-Bit versions of your 3rd party VSTs.  Native Bit-Bridging is not supported in Studio One, therefore you can not run 64-Bit with 32-Bit, and vice-versa.

Win x86 = 32-Bit

Win x64 = 64-Bit
asked Mar 16, 2016 in Studio One 3 by rolandlemus1 (250 points) Thank you