Questions & Answers

Will showpage inherit Ableton session view for live performances??

+6 votes
asked Apr 22, 2021 in Show Page by chrisburson (190 points)
I really would like to a Ableton session in showpage like for like setup! This would complete studio one for many user and also attract Ableton user like me.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 15, 2021 by reynaldguibone2 (1,090 points)

To be honest, I am an Ableton Users for years. But I think the looks of the show page plus the perform view is much better. As you can see, in ableton, the cells or clips are to small. You can adjust its with, but the height, you can't. That's what's make me harder to see and read which part of the song I am in. But in show page, it's bigger and you can easily track where are you going. Plus the perform view makes it much better when it comes to look. It simplifies everything. All you need to see is there. I can compare the Studio One+Show Page+Perform to Logic+Mainstage. And what's new with their 5.3 update is that every item and every song part, the crossfades of each patch when transition is implemented! Studio One is a beast already from studio to performance.