Questions & Answers

ioStation 24c horizontal view scrolling feature in Ableton Live 11

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asked Jan 11, 2023 in Recording Interface Series Feature Requests by tamaskamocsai (180 points)
ioStation 24c is not supporting the scrolling horizontally in Ableton Live 11 in arrangement view. The Scroll and Marker doing basically the same with the blue knob. My suggestion would be to change / add horizontal view scrolling (back & forth) by selecting Marker. Or, the scroll should do this by selecting it.

I see two different options:

1.- Scroll button engaged (lights in blue): <- this would be the preferred option.
horizontally scrolling the actual view with blue knob.

2.- Marker button engaged (lights in blue)
horizontally scrolling the actual view with blue knob.

This option would highly increase the efficiency of using this device and would put a huge positive impact on song arrangement workflow.