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Studio One 5.2 crashes when started or when I create a new track.

–2 votes
asked Apr 26, 2021 in Studio One 5 by pieteranseeuw (100 points)
I just installed Studio One Prime (the most recent version). But when I opened it again after I installed the MIDI, It shuts down and I get the safety dialog. At the left I get the announcement: 'Start Studio One' could not be completed. At the right side I have 4 options : 'disable startup action', 'disable ASIO Driver Support', 'Disable Windows Audio Support' and 'Show Plug-In manager'. The software crashes also when I create a new track in a new song. But then I just get no info about what went wrong in my safety dialog. 'Studio One just quit unexpected'. Every time I restart I have the same problem. I tried to re-install Studio One, but I get the same trouble all over again. Can somebody help me out?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 26, 2021 by marcbourassa (140 points)
Mine started freezing up and I had to hard close several times with end task.  Now it won't boot up at all.  Extremely frustrating.  I put in a ticket this morning but have not heard anything back.