Questions & Answers

Search browser sort

+5 votes
asked Jun 1, 2021 in Look and Feel by dirkmueller (690 points)
Another point that I bought Studio One but don't use it is its ease of use.

Unfortunately, you cannot organize the plugins according to an idea in the browser, nor can you create your own folder structure.

I use this in other DAWs, so I can find effects or instruments more quickly. It is not always useful or sufficient to sort them by manufacturer. Since everyone probably has their own way of working and ideas, I would like to be able to adapt Studio One more to my needs and that includes the view in the browser.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 8, 2021 by drewcampbell5 (340 points)
There's a video on this which Gregor kindly made but when compared for for instance Cakewalk the organisation of plugins is still quite clunky and it feels like a workaround. As S1 is at the top of the tree as far as I'm concerned I think this aspect should also be world class, so I'm upvoting this. I'd also like to see the ability to give a 'nickname' to a plugin in the browser window for fast IDing,and the ability to right click on a plugin in the browser and see it's location in explorer, or alternatively see this info in the sub bar at the bottom of the browser.