Questions & Answers

Is Recording on a Windows 10 based PC via AVB possible?

+4 votes
asked Jun 10, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by Tele (2,200 points)

I sent an email to "support" <[email protected]>;  & the following question was emailed to 

The email was sent to them in reference to the following product which was posted on their Website as a direct solution to AVB connectivity of a Presonus Studiolive 32 Series 111 digital mixer connected to a Windows 10 (Professional) based PC. 

Their Website :

Re: Solo10G PCIe Card (10GBASE-T PCIe Card with Multi-Gigabit Ethernet Support)

The following is my email I sent them.

On Jun 5, 2021, at 2:57 PM, Vic Klonin <[email protected]> wrote:

To :  "support" <[email protected]>; 

Hi There

#1 - Does this card work with a PC based Windows 10 computer?
#2 - Are there drivers available for it?

I need a PCIe Ethernet card with drivers for the AVB protocol. I currently use a Presonus Studiolive 32S Series 111 digital audio mixer that has the AVB connector on it & I have it connected via the AVB connector to a 32 channel Presonus Studiolive 32R digital stagebox.

I assumed the Solo 10G PCIe card would provide me with a method of routing both my Presonus Studiolive 32S &  my Presonus Studiolive 32R expander to my computer & provide a path to my DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) that I use as a multitracking 64 channel audio recorder.

Has anyone from checked with the Engineer's @ Presonus to verify that these devices will perform this as a potential audio recording solution?

I currently use the Presonus system I mention here but the final handoff to the PC is done through USB 2.0 & it is prone to audible latency so it makes the system useless in it's current configuration. 

I am very hopeful that the Solo 10G PCIe card being sold through your website works as stated because it will make this system a real treat by eliminating the dreaded latency.

Thank you
Vic Klonin

Their response to my email is as follows!

Hi Vic,

See answers below.

On Jun 5, 2021, at 2:57 PM, Vic Klonin <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi There

My question
Does this card work with a PC based Windows 10 computer?
Roberts response : Yes
My question
Are there drivers available for it?
Roberts response : Yes

I need a PCIe Ethernet card with drivers for the AVB protocol. I currently use a Presonus Studiolive 32S Series 111 digital audio mixer that has the AVB connector on it & I have it connected via the AVB connector to a 32 channel Presonus Studiolive 32R digital stagebox.

I assumed the Solo 10G PCIe card would provide me with a method of routing both my Presonus Studiolive 32S &  my Presonus Studiolive 32R expander to my computer & provide a path to my DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) that I use as a multitracking 64 channel audio recorder.

My question
Has anyone from checked with the Engineer's @ Presonus to verify that these devices will perform this as a potential audio recording solution?
Roberts response : This will work.

I currently use the Presonus system I mention here but the final handoff to the PC is done through USB 2.0 & it is prone to audible latency so it makes the system useless in it's current configuration. 

I am very hopeful that the Solo 10G PCIe card being sold through your website works as stated because it will make this system a real treat by eliminating the dreaded latency.

Thank you
Vic Klonin

Since I don't see this Ethernet card being referenced anywhere on the Presonus website I want to know what the response is from Presonus before I proceed to order this Ethernet card which sells below $200.00 . This is a far cry less than the posted ECHO card that sells for well over $1,000.00. Secondly, I don't see any reference to the ECHO card either, so what should I take away from this? Are these both viable AVB recording solutions? 

I have both the Studiolive 32 Series 111 mixer & the Studiolive 32R Rack that is connected via the AVB & I love the fact that it is such a flawless solution to the mixer expansion in my studio. 

Please give me a thumbs up on the Solo card because I for one will be in heaven if this works via the AVB & reduces my latency issues.

Thank you

Vic Klonin

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 17, 2021 by mackjohnson1 (78,460 points)

The knowledge base article on AVB with a PC only mentions the ECHO card but says that AVB to PC may work but isn't supported.

+1 vote
answered Aug 23, 2021 by nathanaelgrauvogel (160 points)

Did you bite the bullet and try this out?

I'm also looking to multitrack from a StudioLive Series III (a 16R) into a Windows PC.  USB Is not an option for us due to the distance between the two, but AVB would be ideal.
0 votes
answered Apr 30, 2024 by richardrupert (1,480 points)
If this card would work, it would be a great, inexpensive fix for those of us who have had USB connectivity issues.

My StudioLive 32 no longer "sees" my computer via USB, so I need an alternative. This may be it. I'll continue researching.