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Capture re-writes time stamp when files transferred

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asked Jun 12, 2021 in Studio One 5 by Scardanelli (3,400 points)
Annoyingly it seems that when Studio One brings in a Capture session from my iPad it overwrites the time stamp of the audio CAF files.

This is a pity as it would be really useful to keep the original source times to correlate with video etc. It would be more helpful if the files only over-wrote when exported. After all, they remain as CAF files until this happens. When shooting live video and using Capture for better audio quality than the camera, with discrete mics etc, it's far easier to tie up audio to vid if the original time stamp remains.

Anyone got any thoughts about this? I haven't tried it yet but I suppose I could get the files via file sharing (mac) rather than the Studio One share over wifi - but that rather negates the point of Capture in that case!