Questions & Answers

can't instal my studio one 4

0 votes
asked Jun 17, 2021 in Studio One 4 by kristslacis (160 points)
Hi there. My old laptop got stolen. I Got a new one and would like to download the studio one 4. but when downloaded the setup it keeps throwing out the sign that I'm not connected to the internet to check the updates. could you please help me?

Thanks already,


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 17, 2021 by wesleypeterson (21,030 points)
I'm assuming you're on windows. And iyou can browse the web on that machine. If that's the case, you can try disabling Windows Defender Firewall or make a rule to not be blocked by it. windows key > type "control panel" it should pop up before you're finished typing it - hit enter > at the bottom of the control panel should be - Windows Defender Firewall click it > on the left side look for "Turn Windows Defender Firewall Off" (this isn't something you want permanently off) click it > are both boxes checked that say 'Notify Me When Windows Defender Blocks a New App' if not check them and click ok and try to install > if they are checked or install is blocked --- go back to turn off Window Defender and click on both 'Turn Windows Firewall Off" options and hit ok. and try and install again. ---- Afterwards go back to turn off Window Defender Firewall and "Turn Windows Defender Firewall On" with both options and click ok.
0 votes
answered Jun 18, 2021 by kristslacis (160 points)
Hi! I'm using Mac. I took down the firewall and the same issue.