Questions & Answers

Can't active my Studio One 4 licence

0 votes
asked Jun 18 in Studio One 4 by sylvainpassemard (150 points)

I can't activate my Studio One 4 Artist licence.

If I try to activate it in line, this message is returned: Une erreur est survenue dans le serveur (Status 200)

If I try to activate off line with the downloaded license file, I took this message: La licence n'a pas été accordée pour cet ordinateur

I have only 2/5 activations.

Could you help me to fix it ?


Sylvain Passemard

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jun 19 by skoatdestroy (460 points)
selected Jun 27 by mackjohnson1
Best answer
i was having the same exact issue just now, i ended up doing an offline activation and it works fine.