Questions & Answers

Can the Atom SQ be used without a PC?

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asked Jun 17, 2021 in Atom Pad Controllers by dustinschlesinger (120 points)
edited Jun 17, 2021 by dustinschlesinger
Maybe I'm jsut unable to see that bit of information on the product page and in the manual. But could I connect the Atom SQ to some other midi device like a synth (directly or through some hub) and use it? Is it possible to programm everything (Midi-CCs and so on) through the Atom SQ on its own without a DAW?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 2, 2021 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Not from what I know. The Atom needs Universal Control on your PC to work properly.  You need a controller keyboard, most likely self powered.  If you are using Studio One as the host, the external synth is connected via midi to S1, then you can use the Atom to control an external synth that way.  But, as a standalone controller, without your computer, it isn't possible.  