Questions & Answers

ATOM SQ won't control instrument or DAW

0 votes
asked Oct 13, 2020 in Atom Pad Controllers by paytonadams (350 points)

My atom SQ is recognized by studio one and universal control, my inputs and outputs are set up correctly. I'm trying to use the atom to control Impact and also control the DAW, but nothing is working. Nothing reacts on the ATOM or Studio One when i press anything on the atom. None of the pads, knobs, or buttons react to anything at all. But strangely enough when i click on one of the sounds inside Impact with my mouse, the pad lights up on the ATOM.

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Oct 16, 2020 by oscargarza3 (8,420 points)
Best answer
Please check in Options>External Devices that ATOM SQ is listed and that BOTH MIDI ports are set to "ATOM SQ". You could also try deleting the ATOM SQ device, if it already exists, the adding it back.