Questions & Answers

Can Atom SQ be used with Sampletank in Studio One?

+1 vote
asked Oct 8, 2021 in Atom Pad Controllers by matthijsg (490 points)
Hi, I use Studio One 5.4 and want to trigger my Sampletank sounds with the ATOM SQ. But I can't get the ATOM SQ to connect with Sampletank as an instrument in Studio One nor can I import the individual sounds in Mai Tai or Presence (and then trigger those with the ATOM). I am rather new with both Studio One and the ATOM and I assume I'm doing something wrong..

Help would be appreciated,



The Netherlands

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 8, 2021 by matthijsg (490 points)
Sorry, I already figured out myself! Took me a couple of hours but it's working now :-).