Questions & Answers

Why does Studio one freak out and stop when I click on anything outside of the studio one screen area?

0 votes
asked Jun 18, 2021 in Studio One 5 by laynehoward (200 points)
Just FYI, I use two monitor screens.  I have the main Studio One screen on the left and the mixer screen on the right. If I click on anything outside of those two Studio One areas it freaks, makes a horrible noise, and stops. Any ideas as to why?

Obviously it's most apparent during playback. If I click the play button it will start back up.

Thank you.   Layne Howard

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 20, 2021 by wbqltuuk (1,600 points)
You haven't accidentally using a different sample rate on your tracks than your O.S settings? Clicking outside S1, forces your audio to switch to another sample rate, which can cause drop outs in all sorts of ways