Questions & Answers

How do I avoid metronome bleed in tracks?

0 votes
asked Jun 20, 2021 in Studio One 5 by dustinswartz (120 points)

Hey I love working in Studio One, it really has improved my workflow and made everything a lot easier for me and seems a lot more stable and less glitchy than when I was using Logic Pro. I have one issue… regardless of how I use metronome and even after rendering as track and turn off live metronome it bleeds into my tracks… any tips on how to put metronome into another track or any solution to avoid metronome bleed?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 20, 2021 by wbqltuuk (1,600 points)
Never have the issue. But try right click metronome and look for any dodgy settings. You could play around with the volume of it.

There are also ways to render your metronome on your master. (There's a little metronome icon next to the fader) It could be, that you have accidentally turned it on.

I am not sure what you mean by putting metronome into another track, though?
0 votes
answered May 18, 2024 by nickolaspaquin (140 points)

Same issue here! (2024.05.18)

I'm sure it's the sound card. Do you have a Universal Audio? I have a Volt476.

You can read a tread on Reddit about it. You are not alone.
