Questions & Answers

Request For The Ability To Invert Selected Notes With Additional Offset Parameter / Gate Pattern & Velocity Control

+6 votes
asked Mar 26, 2016 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by scottmoncrieff (1,060 points)
Request For The Ability To Invert Selected Notes With Offset Parameter / Gate Pattern & Velocity Control

These are extracts of my postings from the thread below detailing the feature request.


Post 1.

This is something that just occured to me, not sure if it's possible. What do I mean by invert ? Well lets say you have notes selected and you want to swap all the notes on C4 to C2 but at the same time you want to swap the notes on E3 to E5, like a vertical flip with just one toggle or command. I know one thing, it would save alot of time trying to do this manually with alot of notes.


Post 2.

The inverting would have an upper and lower range offset I would think so for example so notes which are inverted are automatically set incremently lower than they would be with the standard flip inversion, leading to additional creative chords and melodies and of course vice-versa. Additionally I think having the ability to choose the pattern of the notes selected would be 1 represents a note and 0 represents a note not selected somewhat similar to that of a gate pattern system and perhaps extend to using that gate to control the velocity of those notes selected as well.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 5, 2016 by Skip Jones (166,970 points)

Thank you for the feature request. 

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