Questions & Answers

Mix scene feature request, allow buss output routing save and recall other than the Main out default.

+9 votes
asked Jul 24, 2021 in Mixing by ivoobregon (220 points)
Please add feature to mix scene that will allow changing, saving and recalling the channel and buss outputs that feed my Dangerous 2-buss summing box, currently it defaults all the busses to the main out when changing a mix scene. This would facilitate A/Bing ITB and Analog mixes and the use of one template for tracking ITB and mixing OTB analog.  Thank you

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 29, 2021 by Joelker (290 points)
This would be great for A/B-ing. I too use a summing mixer and have found a great solution to track ITB (with zero latency on the rest of the tracks) while retaining the outputs to the summing mixer. As you probably know, constantly changing the outputs on each track takes forever.

If you right click in the console window, there are two options: "Enable listen bus" and "Solo through listen bus". "Enable listen bus" can always be on. When tracking, I use the option "Solo through listen bus" and simply solo the tracks I need to hear when recording, and they are then routed straight to the main out, not going through any conversion or analog gear. I then also activate the metronome on the listen bus. When mixing, I deactivate the "solo through listen bus". Hope that helps, it really was a game changer for me!
0 votes
answered Oct 7, 2022 by jesseharradine (900 points)
YES! This feature would be so handy for those of us with summing mixers. it would be so easy to implement studio one! Please do it!

I just want to have two scenes one with all my channel outputs going to "main" and another scene with all my channel outputs going to my summing mixer.

please please please