Questions & Answers

Please allow save and recall of channel, bus, etc. output routing in each Console Scene.

+10 votes
asked Jul 12, 2020 in Mixing by TomTama (1,230 points)
Please allow save and recall of channel, bus, etc. output routing in each Console Scene. This would allow for easily integrating a tracking workflow with a mixing/summing workflow in a single template.

Thank you!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 12, 2021 by bennyr1 (2,790 points)
edited Jan 12, 2021 by bennyr1

I think change of channels in scenes is very usefull to speed up scene change. there can disable insert load in scenes and insert the effects want compare  in diffrent busses. then the load of the channel need only change output to the bus with the effects to compare. so load a scene can be very fast. currently i use scenes not for effects, because inserts load is too slow. I  have a fast 6 core cpu i5 8600. so i can not buy faster. I switch the output channels and use diffrent bus for inserts when i wish compare. and when the output channel switch can store in scenes it help alot. in the example rev2 and rev1 are the bus that contain the diffrent reverbs to compare. I use often busses, because i can us e the effects for other tracks. often i need no special effect for only 1 track insert. for example when have multi outputs for drums. use sends have the problem that the effect presets need change that they output no direct signal

0 votes
answered May 18, 2023 by wilmarboer (280 points)
Yes please! I really need this. Swapping back and forth all channels to my O2R for mixing outside Presonus.