Questions & Answers

How can I set Play/Stop behaviour just as FL Studio?

+1 vote
asked Jul 27, 2021 in Studio One 5 by Fornicras (2,110 points)

I am trying to move over to Studio One from FL Studio. Everything going great so far, there is something I'm really used to in FL now it's making me uncomfortable in Studio One.

When you click the timeline in FL and hit the spacebar to play, it starts playing from where you clicked and when you hit the spacebar again it stops. Then when you hit the spacebar again it starts from playing from where you clicked in the first place. (kind of remembers where you clicked before you hit the spacebar)

In Studio One, you can do the same thing of course but when you hit the spacebar to stop, it stops, but then when I hit the spacebar again it starts from the point where I stopped and continues from there. I want this to behave just like FL, go back to where I clicked at first and play from there, not continue to play where I stopped.

Is it possible to set spacebar to do this? Hope I could explain it clearly.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 28, 2021 by Fornicras (2,110 points)
Best answer
Alright, no answer so far but luckily I found it myself.

Right-click on the record button in the middle-bottom and select "Return to Start on Stop".