Questions & Answers

Why is there no mention of Global Mute in the help file?

+2 votes
asked Aug 14, 2021 in Studio One 5 by jeffperonto (230 points)
I like searching the help file for many things that interest me. I am less than satisfied with Studio One help file (separate PDF, NOT the help viewer in the program). I searched for Global Mute and got ZERO results. Please spend more time and develop the help file. EVERY SINGLE feature should be explained in the help file.

ALSO the PDF help file returns different results than the integrated help.

The integrated help returns eight results but NONE of them actually explain the Global Mute function.

ALSO the Help Viewer provides search results but it IS BARELY READABLE because it is DARK on DARK.

AND when I click on any search result there is NO WAY TO GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is not cool. Please make the help file more comprehensive AND allow to go back to the search