Questions & Answers

"Transform all tracks to audio" global command

+6 votes
asked Sep 15, 2021 in Mixing by qhahgycx (760 points)
Please, add "Transform all tracks to audio" global command for whole project.

I mean, you can right-click on a track and select "transform to audio". And all plugins will be printed on that track.

Same would be great for all tracks at once. Do it manually for each track - pain in the **s.

It is important when you need to send project to another person who may not have all your plugins, or you going to delete some plugins, so they will not be avalible in future.

P.S. Would be nice to have separate window which will show list all "transformed to audio" tracks in case they avalible to be restored as normal tracks (if you want to bring back your plugins). You open project, open this window and see list of such tracks. Handy.