Questions & Answers

Transform to instrument track is recalling the wrong instrument

+2 votes
asked May 23, 2020 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by yamenfahham (490 points)
When I have multiple Kontakt instances transformed to audio, Studio One struggles to recall the right instance of Kontakt so it brings out the strings' Kontakt instead of brasses' one for example.

This makes this feature useless and it's making me re-choose the right Kontakt patch and redo all the work and settings of the instance all over again, please fix this.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 20, 2021 by jaredgraham1 (390 points)
I have no resolution. I just want to say that this same thing is happening to me, except it's happening by recalling Spectrasonics Keyscape instead of the original ImpactXT. So this is clearly a Presonus bug/issue. It has nothing to do with Native Instruments.