Questions & Answers

Multichannel support & Virtualization features

+6 votes
asked Oct 3, 2021 in Mixing by danielleuenberger (210 points)
Dear Presonus,

I switched to Presonus Soft- and Hardware about 10 years ago. Before, I used Sonar, Pro Tools & Reason.

A word about my former DAW's:
- Sonar: has become messy because of ownership changes, the product has not the financial backing it desserves
- Pro Tools: in my opinion, much overrated and terrible commercial politics
- Reason: all in-one package, working extremely stable until VST support was implemented but lacking features
- Logic: this was a pure rip-off. It was my first DAW 20 years ago - a few months later Logic dropped development for Windows and was acquired by Apple.

Since, I use Studio One since version 2 and lots of improvements have been realized. I also heavily invested in hardware like USD audio interfaces, StudioLive III console, monitoring loudspeakers, etc.

However, times are changing. A major change is happening in the audio industry: multichannel/3D immersive mixing.
I receive more and more requests for immersive 3D/multichannel/surround mixing like Ambisoft, Dolby Atmos & similar. It's extremely important for me that Presonus integrates support for multichannel/surround/3D immersive contents in future releases of Studio One and hardware towards use in studio production.

However, I go even further: wouldn't be a nice idea, to implement virtualization solutions into Presonus solutions ?
1) Since Presonus manufactures the audio interfaces and has full control over the preamps used, why not engineer and develop a system for VIRTUAL MICROPHONES ? Wouldn't this be genious, if users could also select profiles of microphones ? (like Slate Digital, Antelope, etc.)
2) Why not also implement virtual monitoring rooms, especially for headphone mixing & mastering where you could select control room setups from different big recording studios ? (like the Waves NX system)
3) A great improvement would also be the ability to add external DSP power (adding computer nodes via Ethernet/AVB or dedicated DSP hardware) just in case that computer internal CPU power is not sufficient to process all VST instruments/FX ?

Just some thoughts :-)