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Automatically measure delay and set "Record Offset" value

+12 votes
asked Oct 26, 2021 in Recording by brucecurrivan (330 points)

Problem statement:  When recording an audio track while listening on headphones to an existing track, the newly recorded track is found to be delayed when they are both played back together.  It is currently necessary to measure and set the "Record Offset" manually.

Feature request:  Have Studio One automatically measure the delay and set the "Record Offset" value.  Studio One should make a table of the Record Offset values for each Device Block Size and sample rate, and automatically apply the record offset whenever the block size or sample rate is changed.

Detailed description of current manual method: The record delay may be measured, and the record offset compensation entered, using the following procedure.  We hope this procedure can be made automatic as it is quite tedious.
1. In Studio One menu bar, go to Studio One / Options / Audio Setup. Select desired Device Block Size and sample rate. The delay measurement will only be valid for this block size and sample rate.
2. Record a click track (we may call it track #1) a few bars long. (Click on wrench icon in metronome field at bottom of screen, hit "Render".)
3. Create new mono audio track #2 and enable it to record. Turn off audio monitor (speaker icon to right of record circle on track).
4. Place headphones around microphone to create audio loopback.
5. Record a few bars of click track playing through headphones into mic, creating track 2 event.
6. Double click on track 2 event to bring up track editor.
7. Position cursor at beginning of track 2 (may use period key on numeric keybad).
8. Hit tab key to find 1st transient.
9. Make note of cursor position. (Reading is at bottom of screen to left of transport controls.) Select samples (arrow below cursor reading) so that reading is in samples. This gives measured record delay in samples.
10. In Studio One menu bar, go to Studio One / Options / Advanced / Audio.
11. Set "Record Offset" to the negative of the measured record delay in samples.  This is the desired result.
12. To test, position cursor at beginning of track 2. Repeat recording of click track to verify that record delay is now zero.
13. The above measurement may be repeated for all block sizes and sample rates and kept for reference.

Also see Youtube video by Gregor of Presonus:

In this video Gregor uses a cable to loopback from output to input, instead of placing headphones over microphone. The method of placing headphones around microphone is more complete as it includes analog delays, although they may be negligible.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 27, 2021 by vasilykorytov (11,560 points)
I believe, Studio One does this and for a long time. I've seen it auto-applying the offset back in v3.

are you sure, that your drivers report the latency correctly?