So lately I found out that Studio One fails to automatically adjust the record offset.
I had a big and intense discussion with an artist that claimed his vocal was not on time, I then researched and found Studio One offers to set the Record Offset manually within the settings.
I did a click track test and found out I need 256 sample offset to fix the timing issue.
Already interesting why this is needed when Pro Tools does not even offer such a option and fixes this offset by itself.
I then did a couple of tracks with that artist, all fine, I could have lived with it like that.
However yesterday I found that the sample offset was suddenly different, when in fact nothing has changed on the setup.
The artist claimed that the vocal was not right again and I couldn't believe it.
I then tested again, and to my suprising the offset is now 250 samples?!
The artist now refuses to work with Studio One ever again, as it seems unprofessional and not reliable, I can't test the offset ever time I open a new session. And it's a huge dissapointing to record vocal takes where I can't even be sure it's on time, and when listening back to it, it sounds off. This interrupts and destroys the whole workflow that I enjoyed in Studio One over Pro Tools.
You really need to fix this automatically, like I said, ProTools does not even offer this offset and works right out of the box.
I've already seen people talking about, if one would even catch that offset by ear, even when it's just a few samples, but especially in high pace rap music, you can point it out.
My setup is this:
-Win 10 Workstation
-Studio One 5 Artist
-Apollo Twin X Thunderbolt
-MSI Thunderbolt M3 Addon Card
I could have come to an easy conclusion and just blame it on the Thunderbolt connection, however, as I said, ProTools does this fatastic and without needing any user input.