Questions & Answers

Why do I need to perform the Loopback Test to figure out what to set the Record Offset to?

+1 vote
asked Nov 19, 2020 in Studio One 4 by lucassheldon (180 points)
First of all, why do the Input and Output Latency figures added together not match the Audio Roundtrip?

Why do I need to perform the Loopback Test to figure out what to set the Record Offset to? Why shouldn't I just set this to match the Audio Roundtrip Monitoring Latency?

What about using different audio interfaces? Do I need to change the Record Offset every time I switch between using my two audio interfaces?

I did notice that when doing the loopback test a while ago that the latency was different when looping the signal from my audio interface into a preamp running into the audio interface via ADAT as opposed to going straight to the audio interface's Mic/Instrument inputs.