Questions & Answers

Studio 3 Professional ONSCREEN keyboard option for other VST instruments that won't record without a midi device?

+1 vote
asked Apr 4, 2016 in Studio One 3 by jdspresonus1 (210 points)
recategorized Apr 4, 2016 by -Luis-
Does Studio One 3 Professional have the option of an ONSCREEN keyboard as well as a separate midi input device?  I have another sound editor that allows you to use an ONSCREEN keyboard option if you do not have a separate midi device attached to your computer.  I have some other VST programs I use with Studio One from Native Instruments that come with an ONSCREEN keyboard but I cannot get to record during a session by just using the mouse arrow to play the instrument(s).

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 4, 2016 by danielkucharski (1,130 points)
selected Jun 28, 2019 by nickmaggio
Best answer

You can use your regular QWERTY computer keyboard as a MIDI Keyboard to play virtual instruments and record musical data in Studio One. To do this, add a new device in the Studio One/Options/External Devices/Add Device menu (Mac OS X: Preferences/External Devices/ Add Device), choosing the QWERTY Keyboard device from the PreSonus device folder. 

With the device added, to use your keyboard as a MIDI Keyboard, open the interface for the QWERTY Keyboard device by double-clicking on it in the External panel of the Console. Any record-enabled Instrument Track then receives input from the QWERTY Keyboard, as shown in the QWERTY Keyboard device interface. Your keyboard only transmits data to Instrument Tracks while the QWERTY Keyboard device interface is open. 
