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Video Tracks, Surround compatibility, Advanced automation window and Ambisonics

+31 votes
asked Nov 13, 2021 in Video by guillemguinovart (400 points)
edited Nov 13, 2021 by guillemguinovart


I have some requests that I think it would be very important for the film audio editors and, in my opinion should have been integrated some versions ago.

Video Tracks: We need to have minimum 2 video tracks, and those have to show a fast preview of frames that could be disabled.

5.1, 7.1, 2.1, tracks: At this moment we are only able to create stereo and mono tracks in Studio One and we need more than this.

5.1, 7.1 and atmos integration: we need to be able to mix our projects or design our sound effects natively in studio one. Studio one should agregate some tools for panning in all these surround configurations.

Advanced automation window: We need a window for mixing and automate films as pro tools or Nuendo haves. This window should include the possibility to save automation scenes that could be easily duplicated.This is useful in case that 2 scenes happens in the same space.

Ambisonics integration: This function would be a key to be a competitive DAW for Virtual Reality, Videogames, Innovative music performance, Binaural mixing, etc. We need a native Ambisonics plugin that could handle all of this needs.

Those are my main request, for many time Studio one have been my workhorse and I loved it because I worked mainly in Stereo. But if this features have not been implemented studio one I will be forced to move out searching something else. 

Thank you for spending your time to read my request and you can support it if you want something similar.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 17, 2021 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)
According to the rules, you need to split this topic into different topics (one feature request per topic).
–1 vote
answered Mar 22, 2023 by Michael1985 (13,040 points)
In my opinion, Studio One is a tool for music producers.

It is a nice gimmick to habe a video track, but there is a reason why Cubase and Nuendo are two different softwares.

It is so much more work to create a specific tool for game audio, movies and other sound design inquiries.

They would need a second team just for that.