Questions & Answers

Running videos and backing tracks

+16 votes
asked Nov 14, 2021 in Show Page by Scardanelli (3,380 points)
Working on a multi-media theatre project and I'm going to need to run backing tracks as well as instrument tracks and most importantly videos - some of which will cross timelines of songs.

I know the Show page is not able to run videos - and a quick Google didn't give me any hints as to a wonder app that would do this. You can add a button in MainStage to trigger another app to run video, so I suppose that's one solution - does anyone have any other ideas for how this can be achieved? There must be some all-in-one programme that runs tracks and video seamlessly and synced?

A show that has a fixed timeline, with events (songs, videos) that happen in sequence and need to be triggered together. Advice please!

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Nov 30, 2021 by eddyblackwell (530 points)
This is what I want, too!
0 votes
answered Feb 24, 2022 by bboylj3 (1,320 points)
QLab is what you are looking for. It's a software that does all that you're asking for. They offer a free download and it's not hard to learn at all, it's surprisingly easy! I just discovered it yesterday and it was pretty easy to grasp how it works. They have versions of QLab with different price points but from what I see from the free version, it's all you need.