Questions & Answers

I am unable to route a drum midi to an output in the track. it only allows 'none''

0 votes
asked Nov 20, 2021 in Studio One 5 by loydmaxwell (180 points)
Obvoiusly I am setting up wrong but I am getting no sound from my midi track,. I assumed that xt would send it somewhere because it only allows 'none'' in the output.

1 Answer

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answered Dec 30, 2021 by LucasTX (2,710 points)
I might be suggesting something you've already tried, but have you ensured that you have a drum instrument associated with the track? To do that select a drum instrument from the "browse" menu and dragging it onto the icon that looks like a keyboard on the MIDI track with your drums.  You should now be able to select that drum instrument for that track.