Questions & Answers

Why is my PD-70 volume so low in Studio One v5.4.1 ? Guitars record totally fine.

0 votes
asked Nov 22, 2021 in Studio One 5 by alanmcghee (120 points)
I've been using Studio One for a few months recording guitar tracks etc.

For any vocal, I've used the laptop microphone.

I decided to buy a PD-70 for improved quality, changing the Input Audio device accordingly in Windows sound settings.

The microphone volume is unacceptably low.  I can amend it dragging the track line in Studio One to say 12 dB, but this shouldnt be required and the background hiss is not acceptable.  Any advice appreciated, thanks.

1 Answer

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answered May 20, 2022 by lorrismusic (1,530 points)
I have the same problem and i think i've found why it's hapening, so in my case i have the PD-70 and a Revelator io 24, i also have a Focusrite Scarlett mic

my guess is it's because of the impedance

-the Revelator io24 is 1.4k ohm

-PD70 is 350 ohm

-my old mic a Focusrite Scarlett 2nd gen (the one that come from the 2i2 bundle) is 3k ohm

so when i'm using the PD70 it's quiet while when using the Scarlett it sound loud enough

any idea if this can be fixed? or do we need to buy some hardware like a mic amp or something?