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Window Configuration Scenes - Zoom level, Open Plugins, Arrange or mix view,

+5 votes
asked Nov 28, 2021 in Editing by jorgepinto1 (4,720 points)
Please consider adding additional properties to the scene recall options.

1. Open Window visibility. Let's say I have a plugin window open, I have resized the mixer and arrange window separately. And let's say I have a metering plugin to the side. I do this so I can get a quick view at my levels for the entire mix and I only want to see say my stems and the master plugins. Currently, scenes only apply to the visibility of tracks and channels.

2. Another example. Let's say I want to set up a visibility scene that shows me the 3rd chorus only in the arrange window and I only want to the see the guitar wave forms zoomed in and I want to see the faders to the side not in inspector. I want to be able to only have the four guitar faders display and separate windows. I want to be able to do this using a visibility scene.

Here's how it works in Pro tools so you can see what I mean. In protools it's called window configurations within the markers.

Thank you. George.

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Nov 14, 2022 by princeagrawal (13,980 points)
Yes please. Very useful feature.
0 votes
answered Jan 31, 2023 by nickschreger (860 points)
I can¨t believe this isn't getting more votes. It seems such a basic feature to me, and Cubase, Protools had that ever since.
0 votes
answered Jan 31, 2023 by nickschreger (860 points)
I found a workaround at least for ONE window arrangement.

Open all plugin windows you want to have visible, resize, arrange, whuteva. Then press F12. All windows will disappear.

Now work normally but use F12 ONLY when NO OTHER plugin window is open. F12 will then bring back your custom window arrangement. Any extra plugin window opened while the "special arrangement is also open must be closed before using F12 again.

A pain in the butter but I must be able to quickly have 16 channel strips visible at the same time. The odd thing is that unless you recall the custom arrangement prior to saving the session, it gets lost upon reloading the session.