Questions & Answers

How to apply the multiple keyswitches?

0 votes
asked Jan 6, 2022 in Studio One 5 by Nothingness (1,510 points)
As far as I understand, you can stack multiple keyswitches in a single lane, but I have no idea how to do that. I watched some Youtube videos and followed them, but it didn't work.

Is there any specific way to do that, or has Presonus removed the function?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 11, 2022 by carltonflores3 (140 points)

As you want to change keyswitches for all of the instruments in your orchestration at once, it’s important that one keyswitch triggers the same articulation for all instruments. So adjust the keyswitches in the instrument or use expression maps to conform your articulations to the same keyswitch layout. talktowendys surveyzop
