Questions & Answers

How to solo multiple tracks using Faderport 8 in Ableton Live 9>

0 votes
asked Nov 23, 2017 in FaderPort 8 by francobandasalinas (140 points)

Is there any way to solo multiple tracks on faderport 8 within Live 9? I have tried to no success, even using the shift key. I got my unit today and I regularly work in ableton, but I also have Cubase and there I have no issues at all, but it is a hassle to spit stems to another DAW. Is there any way to do this?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 18, 2017 by ewb (650 points)
Are you seeing this behavior with exclusive solo disabled (in Ableton preferences)?
0 votes
answered Dec 7, 2020 by yvescoudron (140 points)
I have the same problem. I can't solo more then one tracks at the same time in Ableton. In Pro Tools this works as it should, when you press multiple solo buttons at the same time, you have multiple tracks solo'ed at the same time. Please anwer/solve this