Questions & Answers

Live Streaming MainL and MainR Audio with Louder Sound from Piano Channel

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asked Jan 19, 2022 in StudioLive Series III by makariosevangelicalchurch (120 points)
My church worship has in-person in sanctuary and live streaming to internet. From Digital Patching > USB Send,  we set USB 1 and USB 2 to MainL and MainR for Zoom participants to hear the audio mix as in sanctuary.

In sanctuary, the piano itself have sound. We lower the volume of the piano channel input in Main so that it is not too loud in sanctuary. For such setting, Zoom participants cannot hear the piano. If we set up another mix to Zoom, we have to control the Main and the Mix which is challenging to our AV members.

Is there any good suggestion for our situation? If a mix is needed, is there any way to link up the Main and Mix volume except the piano channel?