Questions & Answers

If you do not mind could you explain what the dll file is and how you moved it to the VST3 holder in studio one?

0 votes
asked Jan 19, 2022 in Studio One 5 by debonair playa (190 points)
I am having this issue but I am having a hard time following your solution. Is it any way you could explain or give a little more of the process you took to get Melodyne to work for you in studio one
related to an answer for: Studio One does not see Melodyne 5

1 Answer

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answered Jan 20, 2022 by wesleypeterson (21,050 points)
DLL mean dynamic library link. It's basically a small app that can connect to other apps, in this case it's Melodyne's VST3. Melodyne's VST3 is located on my computer at: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Celemony\Melodyne. Putting the dll there should get it to scan. Good luck.