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Stop open plugin windows from disappearing if Studio One Loses Focus?

+14 votes
asked Jan 29, 2022 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by nk_e (1,380 points)
edited Jan 29, 2022 by nk_e
Hi. For as long as I can remember, if I have plugin windows open and I click on a non Studio One window or other open program, the plugin windows disappear and only the main Studio One window is visible. When I click back on Studio One, all of the plugin windows reappear.

I thought Studio One was opening and closing the plugin windows. I see now that when the Studio One app loses focus, the arrange window comes to the top level and covers everything.

The plugins disappearing makes dragging samples into a VST like Kontakt, Phase Plant, etc., very clumsy. For example, on a Mac, if I need to drag some samples into Phase Plant for instance, the current workaround is to 1) grab my samples, then 2) while holding the mouse down, I use CMD + TAB to make a list of open apps appear, then 3) while still holding down the CMD key, I use TAB to choose Studio One from the list (if it is not chosen already), then 4) release the CMD and TAB keys, and BOOM the plugin windows reappear. Then finally 5) I can drop my samples in.

Please make this stop. All of this can be avoided if the open plugin window(s) would stop disappearing. As more and more VSTs are allowing sample drag and drop, this will become a bigger and bigger annoyance.

Thank you for your time.

3 Answers

+6 votes
answered Jan 14, 2023 by Verb1 (400 points)
Update: Come on Presonus, this is a real issue. Some plugins aren't usable at all because of this. This is a basic fix. Even when we pin a VST, it disappears when we go to the finder, for example, to search for a WAV to drop in.
+1 vote
answered Dec 29, 2023 by adamredgewell (990 points)
I have also reported this. FWIW this issue doesn't seem to occur on Windows, only on Mac. Regardless, it's very irritating - makes reading plugin manuals while working in S1 really painful as well. Please fix!
+1 vote
answered Apr 7, 2024 by christiangrning (210 points)
it's five years ago now and nothing changed... I was looking for a solution for this problem and I came here to see it's a thing from 2019... serious... Presonus this is an absolute no go.. After years I come back and you show me in a few hours that I shouldn't come back at all and never tell someone to use this daw because of this failed support... We are the customers and we even help you to make this daw better... answer from presonus... ignore them... nice move ! lost one more customer now ;) more will follow because of this annoying flowkiller I'm sure.