Questions & Answers

Is AudioBox GO essentially a compact/mobile version of a Quantum 2626?

0 votes
asked Feb 8, 2022 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by joelstoner (250 points)
I have a Quantum 2626, and love it. I've been waiting for a 1 or 2 channel 'mobile' version to take on the road. Although the physical styling and appearance looks very similar to the Q2626 and it uses the USB C connector, the materials don't say anything about it having the same thru-put speed, same mic pre's, etc. as the Quantum line...

OK, just noticed the specs say it's a USB 2.0 over USB-C connection... so I guess that answers my question, it's NOT a mini version of a Q2626...

I'll go ahead and post this in case anyone else is wondering the same thing...

PS - please make a 1 or 2 channel Q2626 so we can get the same I/O on the road!  :-)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 24, 2022 by DominicB (17,160 points)
Best answer
Thanks for you question and answer!!!