Questions & Answers

How do I change the instrument on a Midi Track in Studio One?

0 votes
asked Feb 19, 2022 in Studio One 5 by robinibbotson1 (120 points)
Hi, thanks for reading the question.

I import a lot of midi files into Studio One, many of which have preconfigured instruments, which obviously don't work with your chosen instrument.

My problem is I want to change the midi selected instrument to my instrument, but I can't find the edit function within Studio One to do that, frustrating as it seems to do everything else, am I missing something?

Ideally I just want to remove the instrument selection from the midi track so it plays whatever instrument I drag it into.

Thanks for you help

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 20, 2022 by ernestalbuquerque (1,880 points)
In the main window, there's a drop down box to select which plugin u want to send MIDI notes to, for that specific track.

If u don't see it then just expand the track window
vertically a bit untill u do.
It's a simple thing
0 votes
answered Feb 20, 2022 by ernestalbuquerque (1,880 points)
Oh, if u wanna delete an instrument, just click on the tiny triangle on the top of ur plugin, where it says the instrument name. Just there.

And choose, delete instrument.

Then u can drag any other plugin to that track
0 votes
answered Feb 20, 2022 by colinotoole (16,870 points)
If you just drag any instrument on to the track, you will be asked do you want to replace the existing instrument... your answer will be 'yes'.